You know I LOVE to make my Owls a bit silly at times...maybe it is my inner self coming out?? Well my friend Donna sent me some Houndstooth Paper by MM...(The Lt Bluish gray) and I started to Play....
Everyone that knows me knows i LOVE My houndstooth stamp...I use it a lot. Then there are my Owls...which I adore...then my Prima daisies that make GREAT hair!!
This is what I came up with....They always make Dale Smile.
In other EXCITING News.....I am going to AZ on July 9th for Camden's 1st Birthday and staying at the Westin in Scottsdale....so EXCITED to Spend time with Cambug....
I get to keep her on Friday...There will be LOTS of Spoiling going on for a few days...
My blog will be suffering a bit until I get her Invites finished...hope to get the Bulk of them done today???
Hope your all having a Wonderful Weekend!
A perfectly coiffed owl. LOL Great work.
Yeah for you getting to go to Arizona to spend time with Camden!!! I'm so happy for you...ENJOY THAT TIME!!!!
Love the flower 'do on your owls!
How exciting that you'll be in AZ! We should try to meet- how long are you going to be here?
I love your owls!!!! Just adorable!
Yeah for Scotsdale AZ and the Westin! Sounds like fun fun fun... and the birthday!
Love the blond hairdo! Too cute!
So happy for you that you get to spend time with your family!
now how fun is this??!!! Love it!
I just love your owl card, way too adorable!
Enjoy your time with your family in Arizona, it will be fun!!
Love this Kelly! So playful and makes you smile big time! ;)
Hi, Kelly! Adorable card! Love it! :-)
Is it JULY yet??? Cannot wait to have you here & for you to spend QT with Camden. I know you will fall even more in love with her, especially if she plants some smooches right on your lips! (You may have to be patient for those, since they're usually done on HER time!)
Yep, you are definitely the Houndstooth Queen! I didn't even know there was that pattern in the bunch! Perfect, though! And I love that 'do!
LOL! Hero blogger is me! Sorry....don't know what happened!
clever and darling.
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